Contact Us
Please contact us to arrange an appointment or to obtain a quotation.
Telephone: 0207 315 4138
Emergency out of hours: please email us using the above email address.
Office address:
128 Knightsbridge High Street
W8 6SN
Identification required when seeing a Notary Public
To comply with money laundering regulations a Notary must confirm your identity. When attending an appointment with a Notary each person signing the document must provide at least one of the following:
- Driving licence with photo ID card
- A valid passport
- National identity card (only for EEA state members)
- Armed forces pass (with photo and signature)
- Firearms licence (with photo and signature)
- Any other official government issue ID card (with photo and signature)
- Residence permit (where relevant)
You must also provide proof of your address by one of the following:
- Recent bank statement or letter from bank
- Recent utility bill or council tax bill (not a mobile phone bill)
- Tenancy agreement or Housing Association rent card for your current address
- Inland Revenue tax demand or self assessment statement
If you are acting on behalf of a Corporation you must provide evidence of the due incorporation of the company. This can be one of the following documents:
- Certificate of incorporation
- Extract from the company register
- Latest report and audited accounts
- Up to date certified copy of partnership agreement